Homestuck's Plot
As I said before, Homestuck is crazy complicated, and it's filled to the brim
with various forms of time travel and confusing time paradoxes. I'll try my best
to explain it in a coherent fashion.
Part 1: Acts 1-4
Four friends from different parts of the world prepare to play a new game
called "Sburb." John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dave Strider, and Jade Harley
all scramble to enter the game, as they have discovered that by beginning
the game they have caused meteors to rain on Earth and slowly destroy it.
The kids begin to learn more about the game and its ultimate goal, which
is to create a new universe. There's a lot of things that need to be done
to win, but the main goal is for them to defeat the Black King and level-up
to god tier.
While the kids play through their session they are continually trolled by,
what they believe to be, strangers. It is revealed that these trolls have
been harassing the kids online for years, and seem to know things about
what the kids will do in their session of the game.
Before Act 4 ends, John manages to create the kids and their guardians by
means of ectobiology. The kids and guardians John creates are babies and
they are sent back in time to the years they were born to live out their life
until the process repeats again.
Part 2: Act 5
It is revealed that the people trolling the kids were not people at all, but are
in fact, trolls. They are a different race entirely and 12 trolls played their own
version of the game (Sgrub for them).
The trolls actually beat their game and it turns out that the universe they created
was the one with Earth and therefore, the kids. The trolls were about to claim the
ultimate reward, but something stopped them and forced them to go into hiding.
In hiding the trolls had technology to communicate and watch the kids from any point
in their lives. The trolls explain that what ruined their game: a monster from the
kids session was created, warped into the trolls session, and destroyed the door
to the new universe.
The kids and trolls come to a truce to work together, as they learn that the kids
session is unbeatable. Since they can't beat it, they decide to initiate the Scratch,
which resets their universe but sets different parameters so that it won't be the kids
playing the game rather, their guardians.
The plan is mostly successful, with all the kids reaching god tier and escaping the
Scratch so they aren't reset themselves. Unfortunately for reasons too complicated to
go into, this process creates the big bad villain Lord English.
Part 3: Acts 6 and 7
The Earth is reset, and now instead of John and his friends playing the game, it is
their guardians, who are kids with grown versions of John and his friends as their
guardians. These kids, Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, Dirk Strider, and Jake English,
manage to enter their game successfully, but unfortunately have a void session in
which there is nothing to do.
The original kids (Beta kids) and trolls make it to the post-scratch session. A lot
of stuff goes bad however, and basically everyone dies except for John and Roxy.
Though John's aspect (powers) pertains to wind, he somehow manages to get crazy
new powers, which allow him to jump around time outside of the predetermined
timeloop. John uses these powers to fix some things in the past that allow
the Game Over ending to have never happened.
Now pretty much everyone is alive and gearing up for the final battle against
Lord English and a few other baddies not mentioned. Their final goal is to create
a new universe without tyranny and just live.
Act 7 will begin tomorrow, and we'll find out in exactly a week if everyone can
finally just be happy and not suffer any more.