This is what I like to call "an album of information about the bizarre webcomic known as Homestuck."
It is definetly an album and certainly not me reaching to prattle on about my current obsession.
Homestuck has been going on almost non-stop since April 13 2009 and is about to end in a week
on April 13 2016, exactly seven years after it began!. That being said, the comic is veeeerrryy
long and there is
a lot of information to go over. We will not be able to cover it all,
but don't you worry. I will provide you with the basics!
The short version is: it's about four kids who play a game and end the world.
And that is honestly the shortest statement I can boil Homestuck down to.
You'll have to go deeper into this site or even read the comic if you want to know more!
Also, this website contains spoilers. Sorry!
Quick Facts
Here's some things to know before you begin your journey:
- Homestuck is written, drawn, and animated by Andrew Hussie
- Hussie has actually shamelessly self-inserted himself into the comic
as a character
- As of March 28 2016, it has 7,968 pages and over 1,000,000 words (woowwza)
- Panels of the Homestuck can be
- a stil image
- a gif
- a video, sometimes with sound
- an interactive flash game
- Underneath the panels is the narrative, sometimes in the form of
an instant messaging chat
- Homestuck is mainly drawn in MS Paint as a stylistic choice
- The characters are usually drawn in a "sprite form" (like a videogame sprite)
- When they are not using their arms, characters in their sprite form will not have
- Homestuck contains foul language, violence, gore, and other adult themes
(so not for little youngins)
- The story is slow, extremely non-linear, and mind-numbingly complex :)
Well, that about does it. If I haven't scared you off yet, go learn about the crazy plot, read
about some of the characters, or look at a random panel of Homstuck with no context!