The Characters of

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Homestuck Characters

Okay, there are a loooot of characters in Homestuck. There's over 100 characters that can be identified by name! We're only going to brush over about 12, so don't worry.

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Beta Kids
Main Trolls
Alpha Kids

Beta Kids

These are the original kids who played the beta version of Sburb.

John Rose Dave Jade
John Egbert      Rose Lalonde    Dave Strider     Jade Harley

John: a giant goofball who enjoys the art of pranking, bad movies (he thinks they're awsome), and paranormal lore.

Rose: a reserved and intelligent straight-man (girl) who enjoys creative writing, psychoanalysis, and wizards.

Dave: a totally for real cool kid who likes sick beats, preserved dead things, and the art of irony.

Jade a quirky narcoleptic who likes cartoons and nuclear physics. She is also a skilled riflewoman, and her dog Becquerel can warp space.

Main Trolls

Though there are 12 main trolls, we are only going to look over the ones with the most plot relevance (at this moment).

Karkat Vriska Terezi Kanaya
Karkat Vantas      Vriska Serket    Terezi Pyrope    Kanaya Maryam

Karkat: a crabby loud-mouth who likes coding (even though he's not good at it) and watching romantic comedies.

Vriska: a huge jerk who enjoys being mean to her friends and intense role-playing.

Terezi: a blind weirdo who enjoys law and justice, dragons, and coloring.

Kanaya: a fashionable rainbow-drinker (vampire) who enjoys gardening and reading horror/romance novels.

Alpha Kids

The kid versions of the Beta kid's guardians.

Jane Roxy Dirk Jake
Jane Crocker    Roxy Lalonde    Dirk Strider   Jake English

Jane: a spunky baker who likes practical jokes, detective stories, and humerus moustached men.

Roxy: a fun-loving ex-alcoholic who enjoys retro gaming, hacking, and cats.

Dirk: a robotic engineer who likes katanas, puppets, and the show "My Little Pony."

Jake: a classy chum who likes skulls, firearms, and blue ladies.

*All images are official character sprites from Homestuck © 2009 Andrew Hussie*