John: a giant goofball who enjoys the art of pranking, bad movies
(he thinks they're awsome), and paranormal lore.
Rose: a reserved and intelligent straight-man (girl) who enjoys creative writing,
psychoanalysis, and wizards.
Dave: a totally for real cool kid who likes sick beats, preserved dead
things, and the art of irony.
Jade a quirky narcoleptic who likes cartoons and nuclear physics.
She is also a skilled riflewoman, and her dog Becquerel can warp space.
Karkat: a crabby loud-mouth who likes coding (even though he's not good
at it) and watching romantic comedies.
Vriska: a huge jerk who enjoys being mean to her friends and
intense role-playing.
Terezi: a blind weirdo who enjoys law and justice, dragons, and coloring.
Kanaya: a fashionable rainbow-drinker (vampire) who enjoys gardening
and reading horror/romance novels.
Jane: a spunky baker who likes practical jokes, detective
stories, and humerus moustached men.
Roxy: a fun-loving ex-alcoholic who enjoys retro gaming, hacking, and
Dirk: a robotic engineer who likes katanas, puppets, and the show
"My Little Pony."
Jake: a classy chum who likes skulls, firearms, and blue ladies.